Tempus Fugit

The nights are ‘fair drawing in’ as they say, but so are the mornings. I notice a difference at 5am which in June used to be enticingly light for a sortie, but it’s now not until 6am that I can drag myself out to cycle forth into the sleepy world with just the potholes for company. It was a perfect morning for a tootle up to the Braids to look over to Portobello and North Berwick Law and see the light shining on the Forth.

Happily this Sunday has slipped through my fingers quickly but profitably- a week’s worth of spicy vegetable stew, a week’s worth of mackerel pâté and 2 chocolate beetroot cakes obtained. It would be rude of you to ask why two of the latter, suffice it to say that something of an accident befell #1 although it will be perfect as a week’s worth of dessert.

I seem to have spent rather too much time today licking bowls and washing up. Goodness doesn’t beetroot juice get everywhere.

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