AOG - Day 1

Sadly, the Pacific Northwest Division is still having water quality issues.  Short of a thunderstorm and small tidal wave, the water venue will remain yucky indefinitely.  Opening ceremonies have been held at several alternate, and unsanctioned locations so the judges are in a snit and there is way too much confusion.  A request has been made to Team Bald Eagle to show up and calm everyone down.  

Team Canada Goose are being uncharacteristically patient and using the time to practice their routines on dry land, much like skaters do in the human Olympics.  An alternate venue has been located so there are high hopes that the synchronized paddling event can begin as planned.   Diving events for Teams Mallard, Merganser and Bufflehead will also be relocated to the alternate venue.  

The Captain of Team Heron stopped by but quickly lost interest in the problem and went to the the snack bar.  They will also relocate but are far pickier about whether their venue requirements can be met, especially for the "lurking in the weeds" event.  The weeds have to be just so thick and just so high and perfectly situated for proper sneak-fishing. etc., etc.  (It's a long list.)

Team osprey has not appeared yet but rumor has it that they are holding their own opening ceremony elsewhere.  

The catfish remain very happy.

Lizzie Update:  She's just fine and her vet even said he was enjoying her company.  I believe that's a first.  
The vet has an interesting system for seeing patients now with social distancing etc.   We had to wait in the car after calling to let them know we arrived.  A technician came out and took Lizzie inside and then the vet called me and we discussed Lizzie's problem.  In addition to a checkup to make sure her pancreatitis hasn't returned, she got a leukemia booster shot and her claws trimmed which means she no longer will drag small rugs around the house until I can disengage her.   So, she came home, ate an entire small can of food and went to sleep.  


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