We had a nice relaxed morning, getting to the service on time and watching a couple of YouTube videos straight after that. The plan was to have a leisurely drive up to RAK in the afternoon, but it soon got scrapped.
G went into her room to do some more tidying up and I went into mine to look for pictures that I want to scan. I've had a month off in July and should be more productive in August. I also came across my mum's notes which I've kept safely. Three books and a diary - of 1992. I felt quite down after reading some of the pages. I do miss my mum a lot even though I never talk about it! :(
At very short notice, we organised to meet up with Peter and Rachel to watch the movie Yesterday. The first attempt resulted in us watching two Premier League matches as it was Wednesday. I said to Rachel we would eat at home. We got to watch the movie - which was entertaining. I didn't expect to see Ed Sheeran in it! As always with P&R, we ended up chatting and didn't leave their flat until 1:20!!! We were home within twenty minutes. No chance to think of blipping so I was glad I quickly took this snap of G holding the "little" present for our friends before leaving home! It was very well received.
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