
By Saxysax

Leaf Cutter Bee

I was going to blip the photo in extras of a fun coloured frame from the bee hive but i saw this little leaf cutter bee zooming around carrying a leaf - An amazing sight.

Quite proud of the photo of last nights sunset in the Extras - we were very lucky to witness such wonderful colours.

Today has been a very big day.  The kids are away at Granny's for the day and night.  She has taken them to a model village and now with her.  This is only the second time they have ever been away from us.  (the first was not very successful about 2 years ago).  The house is so quiet and i have not been interrupted at all.  There is a huge void though and its very strange - the heart beat of the household has been removed.  Fingers crossed the night goes well.

Z and I have been for an evening walk and it was unbelievably great.

Also - lawn mowed, bees inspected and woodwork project almost finished - it just needs oiling.

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