
By Groggster

The Last Commute, Runcie Court, Salomons Estate

Today was my 'last commute' to my office at Runcie Court at Salomoms Estate after being made redundant and instructed by my employer to return any equipment which I had been provided with to work from home (which never actually worked) following lockdown at the end of March. 
After taking a 20% pay cut, then being furloughed and eventually being told that I was to be made redundant today was officially my last day of employment. 
I was told that the office would be effectively secure from any possible effects of Covid-19 with safety measures put in place for staff returning any equipment including hand sanitiser and cleaning where necessary. Was it b****cks! There was only one member of the facilities team (not their fault in any way) who told me just to "put it down over there" and the office looked as if it had not been touched since the end of March when we left due to lockdown. No signs of any managers or anybody in person to say thank you for all the work I have done over the last 13 years or that this was a regrettable situation. 
I won't miss the commute in any way as on a fairly regular basis it could take over 3 hours to travel to and from work each day but a hint of gratitude from my employers would not have gone amiss on my last day. It was never really an office anyway - it is a converted stables and was regularly too cold in winter, too hot in summer and occasionally infested with various forms of insects and small mammals (ladybirds, ants, fleas allegedly, mice and the occasional rat!).
I took this picture on the way out and must admit I shouted f**k followed by the name of my employer and a hand signal involving one prominent finger. I felt instantly better! Time to move on.

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