Slipper Tug o War

This slipper is a legitimate dog toy and it was put to good use when Merlin came for a cool down after a walk this morning. Merlin is a guide dog and needs time off work to behave like any other lumbering labrador. Here are Flora and Merlin squabbling over the ghastly old slipper and having a great play in the garden.

Last night we had thunder, lightning and torrential rain. Today we have sun, cloud and a fair bit of wind. Back to more appropriate weather. The very high temperatures make me wilt.

I was at the supermarket, masked and gloved, just after 07:30 this morning. It was quiet, well stocked and felt OK though I was glad to get home. We've been cleaning, quarantining and disinfecting stuff in the house for a few days now as we are welcoming overnight visitors. They will be socially distanced except the guest under 11 years old who will be cuddled and, fingers crossed, rocked off to sleep - by me.

Everything is within the rules and we are being very careful. But I am also conscious of the steep rise in cases in different parts of the country and, like most people, I feel anxious about what's ahead. If we have to close pubs (for example) to at least try to keep schools open safely then as far as I'm concerned that's the choice that has to be made.

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