Pizza night
Unexpectedly, pizza night tonight. TallGirl’s pizza was very much shaped like France, but tonight the grown ups won the ‘best-shaped pizzas’ contest (though I’m only blowing my own trumpet as MrB no longer makes his own pizzas owing to a series of disasters).
Earlier, work and admin for me, and a trip to Castres for the girls. This afternoon the shade temperature was up to 42C, which I think we can all agree is a bit hot.
Tomorrow cooler weather beckons (as low as 32C!) and an early morning trip to the garage and market.
This, btw, is my pizza. And I have a pineapple ally in our guest, so no-one could mock me tonight!
Later we watched ‘Starter for Ten’ and I’m sure TallGirl, who is out walking with Jamila, is currently explaining various 1980s slang English terms!
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