
Had a text from Margaret did I fancy a short walk this morning with coffee outside at Derby House. We met in a lay by, We can't go together. We were both very disappointed with the new directive to basically not meet anyone at home or in the garden. We live 1 mile inside the boundary of Greater Manchester. I have had to cancel my sister and Oscar's visit. I'm not sure yet if I can meet with some friends on Wednesday, 2 are also from restricted areas. I will still meet Breeda as we are meeting outside. 
Took my car for a service then went to M & S it was empty, then to another supermarket which was also very quiet. Everyone must have been enjoying the sunny day. It did try raining and felt stormy but nothing much as yet.
Am really enjoying using  Topaz Studio, I have bought it. This is another look, can't remember the name!

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