
Phew what a scorcher!
It’s been over 30 degrees today.
Poppy was supposed to have her hair hilighted as part of her birthday present. She’s been waiting a month for the appointment but the hairdresser messaged last night asking if she was still coming and then saying she wasn’t sure she could do what poppy wanted then saying in her opinion she shouldn’t dye it. We stuck to our guns and said we would still come in and she asked us to come in at 11 rather than the scheduled appointment time of 2.
It wasn’t a huge surprise when she messaged this morning and said she would have to cancel as she had a temperature.
Poppy has been looking forward to this appointment all month but handled it very well saying ‘it obviously wasn’t meant to be’.

We’ve rescheduled at another salon....
Hot day, clammy evening.
D and I have come down for dinner and a pint at Wylde Sky. Alf is driving to a party. No sleep til he gets home!

N.B wanted to add for the record, a funeral took place in the church of a young lad Alfie and Alice knew. A tragic loss and devastating tragedy for his family. Alf knew him quite well through gaming. A and A went out to pay their respects as the hearse arrived as did many in the village who lined the streets. I’m sure that in ‘normal’ times the church would have been packed. They followed the procession up to the cemetery and attended the burial at a respectful distance. I think this has affected them quite deeply, the first loss of someone their age who they knew.

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