
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Jasper keeps crashing my Zoom meetings. He doesn't like it when I'm not around so he'll follow me into the bedroom/office and shout loudly. Most of my colleagues have heard him now.

Today he walked right through the middle of the meeting. Between me and my screen. His tailed yanked out my headphones and then he attacked my hand. 

Naturally, co-workers thought this was hilarious, and kept asking for Jasper's input on the process flows and trying to give Jasper action points for our next meeting.

Afterward, I went back through to the living room. Caro was not happy.

"F***ing DOCTORS!" she said. 

She says this a lot.

It turns out she has a chatty doctor who keeps emailing the hospital with his start dates. Which is fine but NOT because they don't care and he keeps spamming them.

"So I can start late November, because my brother has changed the date of his wedding!!!" he told them.

"No you f***ing CAN'T!" said Caro to no-one in particular. Well, technically to me, I suppose but not really.

"It's TWO WEEKS OF F***ING QUARANTINE!" she spat as she stabbed at her keyboard. "If they draw up their f***ing rosters they'll be f***ing f***ed because you won't be out until the NINTH OF DECEMBER!! And NO-ONE GIVES A FLYING F*** ABOUT YOUR F***ING BROTHER'S F***ING WEDDING!!!!!"

I may not have put enough exclamation marks in that last paragraph. There were more than that flying around my head, I swear.

So that is us. The professionalism twins. 


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