Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Beads 3

Phew! Its Friday and its my day off :)

I wanted a colourful idea for a blip and when I checked out missymoo's challenge for February 8th, it was orange....

So here you have my orange blip!

This is part of a bracelet that a friend made for me (after I admired the large petal shaped beads. Unfortunately its too heavy for me to wear on my wrist, but I love the bright colours :) I know its not all orange, but I've used orange tissue paper for the background as well!

The whole bracelet here!

In other news, I have a poorly Billy who was up and down in the litter tray several times last night :( He's out and about today though, so I'm hoping its past.... He's also had some food, though not as much as usual!

Difficult to know whether we need a trip to the vet or not....I will see how he is later on....

After a nice lie in (for me), I am about to put a sausage and apple casserole in the slow cooker (out of a new book I picked up in The Works, the other day) :)

Then its time to finish my coursework for tomorrow's Footsteps study day and hopefully complete my work for the Prayer Meeting I'm leading on Monday evening :)

Chill out time tonight hopefully; maybe I'll watch a DVD for a change....decisions, decisions...

Tomorrow will be a long and busy day!

Have a great day blippers :)

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