
SO PROUD.  He's 4, and is very, very proud to be so grown up.  

He's had a lovely day, as have we all.  The eldest did try to take control of the presents and tell his brother which he was allowed to play with.  Very little of any real note, just a lovely day at home.  Evening Braii, nailed the burgers and chips, and made soda-bread as well, so we had a lovely feast (including a lovely salad, just to be assured that it wasn't all carbs and meat!) 

Today I'm grateful for: 
A lovely family birthday 
Getting out on my bike for the first time in over 5 years (I think I stopped cycling when I was about 6 months pregnant with the eldest). 
Almost being ready for a weekend away, just a few more things to pack tomorrow morning and we're done. 

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