Green for ......

..... Go! But what is it?
Well I certainly went for go this morning , with great difficulty I got 14 bags of green rubbish in the car. When "A" came we went to the refuse disposal and between us we got rid of the lot , phew, but it's a good " job jobbed" . Don't suppose it will be long before another one appears , but now we can get in without an appointment it will only be 2 at a time, this I can manage, there's always a body that will help, tho' alas the guys are not allowed to at the moment.
I cleaned the car inside "A" check the tyres etc then I took it to be cleaned. That was very hot waiting for them to finish with the windows up. Hey ho all done .
Too hot to pursue any other garden chores ( and there's still a lot to be tackled!)
So a sit for half an hour then get the meal , we have salmon tonight , my fav.
"A" is going home tonight as he has a job to finish but it's a help to me as I'm having my second pedicure since lockdown tomorrow , oh bliss.
Hope you've all enjoyed your day and stay safe .

Grateful ..... for "A's" continual help

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