Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Learning to see

While we were driving today I was thinking back over the miles and miles I’ve driven over the years. Back and forth, mile after mile, day to night, night to day.

I used to go to college 3600 kms away from home and we would drive that several times a year. My girlfriend now wife, lived in another province, more driving.

Work, family, visits, and on and on. So many memories of so many miles. I should write a book.

This view is one I’ve driven past many times. It’s on the western edge of the province of Saskatchewan, facing East just outside of North Battleford.

You drive and drive with nothing too spectacular and come around the bend and suddenly there is this view before your eyes.

I’ve started to stop here just to look. The past was all about getting places quickly. But now I take some time just to look, and see.

Today this was the view.

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