Shadow with Stile

Far too much of the day spent on working out how to create textures to set behind images following the tutorial this morning. A very steep learning curve but it should give some interesting effects in the long run. I took Pepper out later on but there wasn't much around so the stile shadow had to suffice.

Pepper put up a deer and chased it well out of my sight. I was cross that I couldn't control her - she is normally very good - but worried that she wasn't that far from the busy road. I hoped the deer wouldn't take that route in its enthusiasm to get away as she would follow. All ok in the end but I was cross with Pepper and wouldn't throw the ball for her anymore!

Camera club meeting this evening to share a few images. We've arranged a walk locally to get a few of us together.

My themes for August's MONO MONDAYS are in the Challenges section of Community.

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