In the pink

This is one of the hottest New England days that I can remember. At noon the heat index was 107F/41C. The humidity is actually low compared to some of the recent sweltering days. The only insects out earlier with me and my old trusty Nikon wearing her 300mm Nikkor were the bees. The birds and squirrels retreated to the woods surrounding us and the chipmunks were in their burrows deep down in the cooler earth. We have had rabbits and other chewing things attacking the echinacea leaves, but the not brilliant centers. We have red, yellow and green echinacea blooming too, but the rabbits have given them all nasty prunnings. The bees were busy on the pink blooms, so I managed a few shots and retreated to our air conditioning. As I'm composing this the sun has gone in and I suspect a quick thunderstorm is on the way. The rain will be welcomed, but as always, it will probably be just a wild and brief shower.

 My poison ivy is really looking drier today, but it will be a long haul until my skin looks normal. I have another acupuncture treatment on Thursday morning. The itching is better, but it's unsightly to be honest.

For the Record,
This day came in hot, hotter and hottest. UGH!

All hands wary

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