Happy Birthday Kay xxx

It's our friend, Kay's 53rd birthday, so off we went for a little 'social distancing' party in her garden.

I've had the bestest time ever.  We walked there 'cos Ann wanted to tire me out, but once we got to the party I met a lovely little 6 year old boy called Noah.  He thought I was the bestest little collie pup ever, so we played and played and played in Kay's garden.  I think Noah might be my new best friend now.  Ann has promised to send his mummy lots of photos of me & Noah playing.  Noah's parents aren't on social media so Ann can't post the lovely photos of me & Noah playing.  But suffice to say I had a fabulous afternoon.

Obviously Ann took lots and lots of photos of the 'garden party 53' which she will be posting on FB later, for those of you Blippers who are ourFB friends.

We're both a bit tired now.

...............................Weather app is still showing 25c for Friday.  Yay!!!!!!

PPS - We still can't get our location on the map to show?????!!!!!

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