A Walk to the Wash

We decided to walk instead of taking the bikes to the beach as it was so windy. However we’d forgotten the the high hedges here would have
offered wind protection.

The walk was one of the most unpleasant ever - it took us half an hour to walk through what I thought was a cute village, but in fact most of it is a dormitory town of housing estates serving Kings Lynn and Hunstanton. Then it was another 40 minutes along a very flat and busy road to the “beach”. It was busy with fast traffic as there were several large static caravan parks near the beach. Eventually we got there. It wasn’t a beach in the Scottish or Northumbrian sense - it was pebbles not sand with a steep incline down to the Wash. I was glad we went though, as I’ve never seen it, and it was fun to watch the windsurfers skidding across the choppy water.

We ate our sandwich and had to plod home the same way. I had forgotten how continual flat walking on a hard surface is so back-achingly tiring despite being only 8 miles

#2 daughter and family are enjoying their house in Fermanagh and yesterday the boys had their first swim in the Atlantic. They didn’t know English weren’t allowed in the republic - they were in Donegal for the day.

#3 got the Ikea desks for her two, and got them built with no dramas. She’s good at self-assembly. Ella is very excited as she got a swivel chair too. They children are at drama group this week. This is the first year they felt brave enough to audition for speaking parts. Ella is a circus twin and Nathaniel is protester 5. I’m a bit sad I won’t see the performance at the end of the week this year.

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