Framing the Fort

By TheHairyCoo

Today's winner

Blipping is a funny old game; some days there's a dearth of good images and then on others there's a veritable glut.

Today's images provided an embarrassment of riches, including Ms Geek at a recording studio with the Gaelic youth group (where I somehow got inveigled into staying...I'll get you for that, John;-) and some cracking landscapes.

But this was my very favourite. I don't usually shoot landscapes with my phone...or indeed at all, as they often disappoint me. As I've been on Blip it's slowly dawned on me that it's my composition of said landscapes which was the problem.

Enter the 645PRO app. It's let me take a 6x12 image with high-quality jpeg compression, and has a handy "rule of 3's" grid to aid composition along with 3 B&W and 4 colour "film" effects.

(I love this app- it seems to have taken some stick for being hard to work and finicky, but I've found it excellent & easy to use...perhaps it's being so well-versed in Hipstamatic)

I'm delighted with this image, but as I've said I've got 7 or 8 entirely different images which would've made good blips on another day- the muse was most definitely with me today!

Interesting developments on the job front, too. Sometimes it's nice to live in exciting times, ancient oriental curses or not ;-)

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