Who knew?

By InOtherNews

A cactus

In my utility room, which doubles as a shed.

It adds another element to a trio of uses by also being a toilet. It's the only place in the house you can wee, wash clothes and check if there's any lamb in the freezer. You can also disconnect all the electric in the house, tumble dry, wash your hands and pick from 80% of my footwear randomly mixed up all over the place.

Sometimes it smells of feet, other times of fresh clean washing. Sometimes people sit down on the toilet in here, other time my clean duvet is airing. You just never know what you're going to get when you walk in. All the time, watching menacingly (and I've noticed in a bigger space each month) is this cactus, originally part of a novelty set of three little cacti. It's now quite big.

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