quick and emotionless call from the chemo nurse first thing then bloods with another nurse in meldrum. I did all the talking so she couldn’t say insensitive things to me this time. then we went to get petrol and passed the ‘wood offcuts’ box....bee got very excited and filled the boot on the way back.

ar popped round with lots of cakes, biscuits and chocolates - and lovely new masks she’d made us. then kay with a protective viking rune and a wee woven basket she had made me - she’s got more talent in her wee toe than most have at all that girl. then the martin’s came round before g heads down the road for work - the troops were rallied, I suspect by mum and it was good. john got me loads of hand warmers too, much appreciated. also a good phone call from the london contingent to gee me along. what more can be done but to get on with it tomorrow and get it done. and I will.

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