
By cowgirl

Up to her neck in it ....

Well, up to the top of her legs anyway! On a walk with my friend and her mad dog Meg ( see last Sunday’s Blip ) when we had to go through the young stock that graze the fields the footpath runs around. They are incredibly laid back for youngsters, I can almost touch them and they either ignore Meg or just give her an inquisitive glance. Anyway, this girl was munching on the wild watercress growing in this tributary of the main river. I was initially concerned she might be stuck, so we flapped our arms abit to make her move ... she was reluctant, but did take a couple of steps for me. It was only when I was checking the pictures on my iPad that I noticed the girlie in the background has 4 black legs .... hmm, wonder where she’s been then?!

I’ve added a couple of extras of more cows in the stream and one of Meg approaching me at 100 mph, just realising she needed to change tack to get round me!

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