Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Wet wet wet

A drizzly day, but I think it was the same all over the UK, not just us this time. 

I took (ie walked) the bike round to the bike shop at 10.30. There was no way I was going to ride it over wet cobbles and bumpy roads. Also, the seat was wet. When I told the chap in the workshop that it was a new bike, he asked if it was the ‘six-week check up’. No, I said, it’s the two day check up. He looked perplexed. Doesn’t look like I’ll get it back today. No worries, I don’t need it.

From there I walked down to the bus stop and got to my 11am Body Street torture session on time. Half an hour of exercises seems quite a long time... but I was rewarded with a coffee when I finished. I mentioned to Kate (my instructor) that my favourite wee nearby cafe has not re-opened, so she made me a very nice Nespresso. And I walked home. In the rain.

Mind you, JR and Archie had gone away to Midmar Paddock in the rain, and both came home drookit.

It’s supposed to be dry tomorrow, thank goodness, as we’re off to the appointment at the council tip, and it would not be pleasant in the rain. 

Here’s Archie with one of his favourite toys (all called ‘monkey’). He’s waiting to snap at it, only moving his eyes to look at me now and then, which makes me giggle.

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