Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

Princess (Re-Visited)

To all those who havent seen The Princess in a while, here she is.

As beautiful as ever, and still the light of my life.

The last year and more have landed a lot of changes on her, both good and bad, and I know that I annoy the fucking bejaysus out of her more often than not.


I will not stop dancing while making dinner, even though it mortifys her.
I will not stop wearing what I choose to wear, unless she stops wearing what I dont want her to wear.
I will not stop holding her hand in public places unless she cuts it off with a blunt hacksaw blade.
I will not stop stalking her on Facebook until she de-friends me.
I will never stop giving out shite about her mobile phone usage until she gets to the stage where she can pay for it herself.
And I will never stop being her Daddy.

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