Feeding frenzy

Slept in this morning, neither of us could get off last night........10.30 by the time I went downstairs :-0

It was dull & raining......but we went out to get the papers, then had boiled eggs and soldiers for brunch.

Some laundry done, then an hour sat in the summerhouse with a coffee early afternoon. We had planned to do some cutting back in the garden but as usual the forecast was up the wall, too wet for that!

Another day, another flower blip.........both the bee and the butterfly enjoying the nectar of these thistles.

We came indoors to watch the final football matches of the season. Thankfully my team did just enough to guarantee their soot in europe next season. Hubs team finished off with a good win, so a happy household.

Not so happy to hear the news regarding travel to/from Spain.....which somewhat puzzlingly includes the Canarys and the Balearics! Our Tenerife based friends are devasted, having worked so hard to welcome tourists back. I feel for people who are due to travel shortly :-/

Sunday dinner has been roast ham, with crackling obviously, cauliflower cheese and roasted potatoes and we had a pudd too.....rice pudding with a dollop of homemade jam.

Just watching Countryfile and hoping for a better week ahead weatherwise!

Wishing you all a safe new week.

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