Herb Robert (WFW20-18)
Most of today has been taken up with cleaning and painting our garden gate which does now look a lot better than it did and the new coded lock is ready to go. Hopefully that will make things easier for deliveries arriving when we are out. I retrieved the wildlife camera from our neighbour's garden and had a look through the 450+ uninspiring images from the past couple of weeks, I'll probably re site it closer to our bird boxes as I saw a young Blue Tit emerging form one of them a couple of days back and there do seem to be a few fledglings around the feeders lately.
For my blip, I have gone for this Herb Robert flower in our neighbour's section of the old railway cutting - a variety of flowers grow on the banks so hopefully, our section will develop some wildflower areas of it's own next year. This one is growing to the right of the near end of the bridge in this previous blip.
Thanks to Miranda 1008 for hosting Wild Flower Week.
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