Fresh Fish

Another step towards normality today, may not mean much but I so enjoyed my first pedicure since March 20th. We spend all day on our feet so it’s always good to look after them.

Wednesday marks the middle of the week and my day ‘off’ so to speak. After the easy day at Lucy’s yesterday I’ve the rugby club to look forward to tomorrow, no likely to be so easy.
Clare was on a long day, Sam baking in the kitchen, Josh sorting out his car with the dealership and me reading.

In another step to returning to normal Joshua and I ventured out to the Athenaeum Club for a game of snooker and a couple of pints, a welcome return.

But the highlight of the day was being offered line caught mackerel by a friend, caught at 07:00 this morning off the pier, Josh and I had two good sized fillets each for dinner. Pan fried with salt & lemon.

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