On Fire!
A lazy blip today, a nasturtium (the first), flowering just by the back door.
I'm really referring to my calf muscles which are sending me a strong message that doing occasional little gentle strolls for three months and then heading up hill and down dale two days running - (you know what I mean, I don't actually run at all these days) - is a recipe for pain! It's not anything more than that, and luckily I have good supply of rubbing alcohol, bought to make hand sanitiser, so I'm going to be fine tomorrow. But for today, I am Mrs Quasimodo for a few moments if I sit for too long ....
The only news is that Ali and Hal had to go for a Covid test yesterday. He's had a temperature since Wednesday and is off his food. She was pretty sure it was down to teething but she's back at work and thought she ought to get it checked out. Luckily they have a drive-in test centre fairly close. She wasn't expecting to have to administer his test herself, but he was ok about it, and the results are negative for both, so fingers crossed ... I'm so looking forward to seeing them, even if it is from a distance.
And the gazebo has gone astray somewhere, I will have to reorder ...
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