Colour on a grey day (Day 1906)

I was glad of my waterproofs on the morning woofer wander. Orkney seems to specialise in heavy drizzle, and today it was doing its very best.
Home to dry out a bit before a trip through to Stromness to see a customer I didn't manage to get to yesterday. I managed to fix their dishwasher, which was a surprise, but will have to return to fit a new shower once I have one for them.
Back home I got started on making a batch of dog food, and while that was cooking, I gave the kitchen a thorough clean. The second batch of dog food went in to cook as I took the dogs out to Lyde for a walk in fairly thick mist. The flowers along the roadside provided a little bit of colour.
Home for lunch then a trip through to Stromness with  my beautiful wife to deal with the horses and put up some new electric fencing.

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