Another day frittered away!

Honestly, my human really does need to find some way to motivate herself to do things. Any thing?? If she didn't have me she probably wouldn't even bother to get out of bed some days. She certainly wouldn't bother putting a bra on if she wasn't going out!! What's the point. We may not be locked down any more but Ann's still not back to doing her normal stuff. In fact she can hardly remember what her normal stuff is.

This morning it was chucking it down with rain so I didn't go very far on my walk. We still got soaked through to our skins though.

After breakfast Ann said, 'Trixie, I think I'll go for a bit of a mooch around town because I've not been in many 'non-essential' shops yet. You can have some home alone snooze time.' So off she went.

Jumped on an empty no. 23 bus. Arrived in a very empty Princes Street (see extras). First stop, Primark. Wandered around a very empty store. Was too scared to touch things because one is not supposed to handle goods. Sanitised hands a couple of times. Not really quite sure why because nothing was touched. Was a very unpleasant experience so decided to leave. Got to the front door and realised it was the 'in' door. Had to go all the way to the back of the store and leave via the Rose St exit. Why? Think they could have organised that a bit better. There's three doors on the Princes St entrance. #mustnotrant

Next stop; a very empty M&S. Unlike Primark (where the shop assistants were just standing around talking to each other) the assistants were overly attentive probably bored so every two secs Ann was being asked if she needed help. She didn't. Sanitised hands a couple more times, but found the whole experience too intrusive so she left. #mustnotrant

TK Max was just as empty. More hand sanitising. Tried on a pair of trainers using the 'pop-socks provided for your protection'. Ann's fat feet wouldn't fit in the trainers which is why she never buys shoes/clothes online so it looks like she's just going to be slobbing around in 'dog walking clothes' for the foreseeable future. #mustnotrant

..................And after that she was so fed up with the eerily quiet shopping experience that she jumped on an almost empty no. 11 bus and came home.

However, it does pose the question?....................... Why are we all being told to wear masks now, when months ago they were deemed not necessary? Obviously there's more people out and about now but people are more 'spread out'. There isn't even queues at most supermarkets now whereas 4 months ago the supermarket queues stretched for miles. It just all seems a bit, 'too little, too late'.

.............So it's mandatory to wear masks in empty shops and on empty public transport, but it's not mandatory to wear them while walking along a narrow busy street in a small town where there's loads of people? (For example, North Berwick or St Ives). The rules are mad!!! #mustnotrant

Anyway this afternoon the rain had stopped so off I went to Bruntsfield Links to play with my ball.

I only played for about 5 mins when I started having a little lie down. I was really, really tired. Normally after three 'lie downs' the game is over, but today Ann couldn't believe that I was tired after only 5 mins of play so she kept making me run.

She only stopped making me run after I took the ball and went for a little lie down underneath a car on the edge of the links. Then she felt like a really cruel collie pup owner so I got clipped back on my lead for the 20 min walk home.

I was really, really thirsty and a lot of the shops at Bruntsfield have bowls of water out for doggies but I always carry the ball home myself and I can't drink and carry a ball at the same time. Ann said that she would hold the ball while I had a drink but I was worried that she wouldn't give it back to me. So I carried it all the way home and then had the biggest drink ever. And I continued panting for about another 10 mins. Now Ann is wondering if she needs to take me out for an extra wee before bedtime?

Ann's never had children is having a dog like having a child? but she's constantly amazed at how different I am from 'MollyCollie'. Molly was Ann's first dog and was very, very 'needy' and liked quite a strict routine. I'm just so chillaxed. I just fit in with anything. I've only been out today for about 80 mins and I'm completely, utterly and totally flaked out. Molly always needed at least 2 hours of exercise every day.

Anyway, tomorrow we have stuff to do. Lunch out in Portobello with the girlies so Ann has said if it's a nice day we will walk there.


PS – The city centre of Edinburgh, 'capital city of Scotland' may be like a ghost town, but our 20 min walk home from the Bruntsfield Links was actually quite busy with a lot people on the pavements. Why isn't it mandatory to wear masks all the time outside one's own house???? Queues at all the charity shops? Why? We live in a posh area so am guessing people think that there's going to be a lot of designer bargains around???? Queues at the ice cream shop and also the Chocolate shop. BUT, no queues at Waitrose??!! In fact the shop assistant who had been assigned to 'managing the queue' was there when Ann passed by at 11.30am and was still there when I was on my way home from my walk this afternoon. Standing there, all alone. Probably time for the supermarkets to review their procedures??

PPS – And it's 6.30pm and I'm lying flaked out in my bed. (see extras). Why do you think I am so tired?????

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