
I spent a lovely hour or so taking photos of the beautiful and talented Flora, for her portfolio.  I've taken photographs of her performing over the last few years and she is now studying acting.  I wish her all the best for a long and successful career in years to come.

A backblip as the last day or two have disappeared in a blur of processing and juggling admin for the prescription team.  Because of the need for 3 out the 4 of us to return to work we have had to recruit new people.  We now have a new team of wonderful people who have volunteered to help (and I'm so grateful for the work done by those who have stepped down).  The need to get prescriptions delivered hasn't gone away with lockdown easing.  In fact, because of the volume of tourists arriving (and some of them with little regard for abiding by Scottish guidelines about wearing masks, physical distancing, saying things like 'we don't need to because there is no Covid on Mull' etc) the delivery run is as important as ever.

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