The Great Ship

D went to the allotment and came back with Malc and Syuze - a great improvement on the usual load of lettuces, courgettes and turnips. They came in, cautiously. Sat on the sofa, at a distance (as much as one can manage in a wee flat). Had a cup of tea and a biscuit. It seemed....nearly normal.

Then had a wee birl round Ocean Terminal. More shops open, but not many shoppers. Oh, saw some folk going in to Holiday Inn Express with their wheelie suitcases - first time it's been open since lockdown I think. Yes, visitors definitely about, though cautious. The trundling of summer suitcases.....

The 'Great Ship' was apparently built (in Leith, natch) in 1450. At the time it was the greatest warship ever built. Looks somewhat top-heavy to me, but what do I know?

Actually, just finished reading Michael Palin's "Erebus", so more than I realised. It was almost unbearably sad (because one knows, right from the start, how it will finish). Superbly written though, and with one genuine bonus belly-laugh right at the end. Molotov, haha!

Edit: model in adjoining window labelled as the Great Michael added as an extra, for purposes of pedantry.

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