Camouflaged canal

An earlier night but just couldn't get to sleep... still awake at 1.30, then asleep, woke at 3.33, awake until 5.50, then sleep, woke up at 9.50!!!

We had already decided to get out somewhere today if the forecast was right, which it was, thankfully!

We drove to Rufford.....a little wharfside cafe there, where we had coffee and a ploughmans lunch, all very civilised and comfortable. Afterwards we decided to take a walk along the towpath. The weather was perfect, warm and still.......armed with my czmera we walked a couple of miles or so, circa 8k steps, my aches have almost gone, can still feel it pulling going downstairs, but its getting there. Walking actually helps, whereas poor hub is the opposite, the more he walks, the more pain in his knee :-/ I left him sat on a bench and wandered on for a while, before turning back.

I was hoping for,osme shots of dragonflies today, saw a couple darting but no chance of catching them! Of all the shots took today, Ireally liked the sky here and the fact that you dont immediately see the narrowboat moored up.

I am sorry I didnt realise it was my five year anniversary blip yesterday, otherwise I would have made more of an effort for osmething a bit more remarkable than our back garden planters !!! Nevertheless thank you for all your kind words and favs too, they have just propelled it towards page 1 of populars.

As I am typing this the rain is bouncing off the windows.......its been a late dinner this evening, watched Gardeners World & Gogglebox, now sipping a JD & coke, medicinal, to help a toothache :-/ I have a loose tooth, which I jarred at lunchtime...its throbbing away, just hoping it settles back down :-( If its not one thing it's another eh!!

Stay safe all......enjoy your weekend

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