Friday's painting...


My daily painting in ZenBrush2 app

This was not meant to be my finished painting, I was simply practising bamboo leaves. And how to get the shape with my different fingers. Because my little finger will give a certain shape with an upward flick, but my first finger when I do the flick it is a downward flick. And so I was experimenting how the shape and flick, for the bamboo leaves, looked with my different fingers.
(As an aside, I dictated the above to my iPad, it wrote exactly perfectly what I had said. But then before my eyes the iPad software changed what I'd said, and so then it went and changed the previous previous sentence...and so on. And what emerged was a piece of sexual innuendo. Nothing to do with what I wrote originally. It did not used to do this. It is only relatively recently after an update it's gone bananas. I won't say what I would like to do to the programmer...)

And so, I decided to leave the play with the bamboo leaves as it stood, and added some sparrows.

Now I need to lie down with my smelling, not because of the above, but I made a bid against others on eBay, and there is less than half hour left, and I am the winning bid so far. I had just bought something else from the same seller today, which is a straight purchase, and I emailed and asked if I won the bid, would he consider posting the two items in one postage. He sent me a message back saying yes, if I won the bid, and so that gives me nearly another £6 to play with if there is a last minute bidding war, if I decide to bid higher.

I have never bid against anyone else on eBay before. This is more tense than the auction rooms in real life. A real life auction bid is easier (as long as you realise the increments it is going up by) and over in a matter of a couple of minutes...(I did tend to prolong an auction a bit with being deaf, checking with the auctioneer I was bidding the amount I thought I was, well with being deaf I cannot hear exactly what is going on...).

Anyway, I went in the garden in the last few minutes of the bidding, with my breakfast and cuppa, putting my trust in the universe that I would win this bid! 

Came back in when it had finished!


And as a bonus, I got the item for the starting price,  not my bid which was more than the starting price.

I think a gin and tonic and ice now....

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