Swallow shooting

Day two of the Groningen Wadden coast photography weekend. We photographed seals on the beach and while doing so, some people tried taking images of the swallows flying by. Quite the challenge, given their tendency to change course all the time. I suggested we try making some photographs near the nests I spotted earlier on, at the visitor center. Result: a large part of the group looking up towards the nests, capturing parents and their offspring.

I only shot some images on my iPhone today and this is one of them...

Earlier today, still at night in fact, I suddenly started receiving text messages. At the third message I decided to get out of bed and see what this was about. As it turned out, Apple Music had decided to (re-) download my music library and did so using mobile data. I used a lot more than I had in my mobile phone bundle and the end result is additional costs of around €185. My usual monthly costs for my mobile phone are €8. Oops....

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