West End Common

Part of Esher common.

Today Ruby and I met B with Mabel and Z with Bear for a nice catch up and doggy walk. Once we were in the woods we let them off for a good tear around and play. We headed down to the river where, providing it’s easy access and she can feel her feet on the bottom, Ruby went in followed by the other 2 dogs. We continued on our walk with all dogs still having lots of fun. However, on our return walk Mabel jumped into the water but the bank was too steep for her to get back out. I managed to clamber down and grab her collar but I just didn’t have the strength to lift her out and B, slightly panicking, didn’t want me to do it that way. By this time I was splashed head to foot in mud. B said there was no other option but for her to go in. She eased herself down as best she could but then her feet got stuck in the mud bed of the river. She eventually grabbed Mabel and I helped get her out, and we had called on two passers by to help but in all honesty there wasn’t much they could help with. B managed to release her feet to clamber out with a little support from me.  B is an incredibly strong person in mind and heart but very small and fragile in body due to extremely severe arthritis and her whole body is pinned together in some form or another. So, understandably, I think she was worried something might have ‘popped’ out. All was ok Phew!

There was a hose outside Zs place where B could wash the sludge out of her shoes and hose down her feet. I think that was Mabel’s first encounter with water and I imagine will be her last for a little while yet which is a shame as she loved it and was totally unfazed but I know I would feel exactly like B and be quite anxious.

We grabbed an ice cream and sat on the green to have it. I then quickly ran into Garsons Farm to pick up a couple of cards whilst B held onto Ruby for me.

 I came home and had my second shower of the day as B did too and she messaged in the evening to say she had to have another bath because she could still smell the mud. Bear also had to be bathed, a cream cockerpoo, he was mostly black after our walk.  A lovely catch up and certainly a dog walk to remember for a while. :-D))

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