
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Punky gets all worked up when he goes outside. It's the sights and smells that do it, we reckon. We have to play with him more than we used to, in order to allow him to burn off all that kitteny energy.

Here he is chasing his Birdy On A Stick. But I also love how much it looks like he is doing The Hustle. In the extra, you can see him having caught Birdy on a Stick, and running off with it, triumphantly.

Today Caro accompanied Loulou to the doctor for a scan. You will be glad to hear that she is fine and just needs to decide what course of treatment she prefers. 

As a hippy, she naturally leans away from surgery and drugs but it sounds like those are the only two reasonable options. Whatever she decides, she knows we are here to supply her with cups of tea and chats. I think those are the best treatment options of all.

Caro is now carrying on the conversation with Loulou via text. They are talking about going to Mitre 10 again for more hardware. This is the shop where the pair of them go together so often, the assistants think they are a couple.

"Maybe we should set up house together," suggested Caro.

"That would be great!" responded Loulou. "We could move to Paekakariki, that's where all the lesbian couples go. Ironically though, all the locals call the place, 'Pie-cock'."

Then she sent Caro an emoji of a pie. And an aubergine. 

Caro is currently PISSING herself. Just so you know.


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