No sleep ‘til Hammersmith....

A busy day followed by a noisy night.
A wet morning so had a wee rodeo and brought a batch of cows and calves in from up the hill. The calves get put in one shed and their mothers go into another one across the yard. This is to wean them , as the cows start calving again in August and need a chance to build up colostrum for their next calve .
They all make a lot of noise for a few days then once the roar is off them they go to separate parts of the farm.
Spent the afternoon hauling home the rest of the cow hay I bought from a neighbour as it wasn’t good enough quality for their horses. Had the job done by 7 pm so took the dogs for a walk round the field.
The crows are still making a mess of the spring barley field despite numerous scare crows and a couple of attempts at shooting them. Their numbers see to have exploded this year and they don’t take long to ruin an area that looked fine this morning. The joys.

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