Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

"Say fellas, do you smell that?"

I love petunias.  They seem so expressive to me.  I just imagine the dialogue between the flowers this afternoon.  

Stan, the big flower says,   "Say fellas, do you smell that?"

Vinny says, "Stan, what are ya wakin' me up for?  I have even opened up yet."  Larry and Teddy nod their agreement.  

Pete replies, "Uh, yeah, Stan, it smells kinda sweet?"

"No, ya muttonheads, that's me.  I mean do ya the smell of rain!  It's headed right our way.  The allysium all smell it.  Can't you nuckleheads?"  Stan retorts. 

"Oh, yeah, yeah.  That's that little drop stuff that falls on us sometimes.  That's really great stuff.  I like it alot. " Pete replies. 

"Well, I hope you like it alot, cuz I think we are going to get alot of it by the sound of that rumbling.  Uh oh, here it comes!" Stan says as he slowly closes up his bloom.  

Forgive my poor humor.  Last night I was up all night with Wally, our 11 year old Cavalier.  She was still sick and needed to be taken out about every hour or so.  Then, all she wanted to do was cuddle with me.  And she was so weak that I thought I might lose her.  So we took her t the vet today.  Because of Covid-19, we had to wait in the car until the vet's office could see us - about 2 hours.  Then a technician in gown, gloves, mask and shield came out to the care and took Wally inside.  We had to remain outside.  About 30 minutes later, the vet called us on our cell phone and told us the results of the examination - she appears to have an infection and needs antibiotics.  And we needed to schedule another appointment next week to have a checkup on her heart condition.  She dispensed the appropriate medications and we headed home.  

We all then took a short nap until we heard the thunder.  I needed to pick up a few loose items outside, and decided to grab my camera and do a "before the rains came . . ." type of photo.  I was fascinated that the petunias and allysium had seemed to move their flowers in the direction of the incoming storm.  As I was thinking about what they would say, I came up with the little dialogue above.  

I hope it brought a smile to your face.  :)

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