The Cat-Bird Seat

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I just googled this. It turns out that the phrase is actually "the catbird seat" no hyphen because it is named for an American bird, called a catbird.

The catbird likes to find a perch from which it can issue a mocking call. Says the internet. Hence, the catbird seat is an enviable position.

I had always thought it was named for a comfortable seat upon which a cat can sit and watch birds. Which is what Jasper is doing here. 

Not very much news for you today. The podcast consumed most of my time. Large parcels of scary things continue to arrive for Caro. 

Oh, Caro also watched the whole 4-hour Jeffrey Epstein thing on Netflix. As I told her, I don't disapprove of such programmes. In fact it looked like a really good documentary. 

But I just find that stuff like that, where rich people do whatever the F they want and get away with it for years... it just makes me angry and pissy. And who needs that, really?

On the plus side, someone passed me this.


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