I'm all ears

Slept well, awake early again, 6.40 this time!!
A delivery which turned out to be a surprise for our new neighbours daughter....her first car!
We heard her sobbing late afternoon when she arrived home and saw it......bless her!

Early morning was very overcast and a bit rainy, the forecasted nice day disappeared, annoyingly! We had booked our first timed visit to NT Dunham Masssey since pre lockdown...we were looking forward to it. We donned our waterproof jackets, I even put a jumper on! By the time we drove through the gates the skies were clearing, the rain had stopped and sure enough out came the sun! I sometimes wonder what the weather people look at when trying to forecast, 9 out of 10 times they seem to get it wrong!

First stop was the icecream parlour for a takeout coffee, two egg n cress sandwiches & a packet of cheese & onion crisps. It was busyish especially with young families, but once we walked away from the main area the deer park was lovely and quiet.

As usual took lots of shots but this one won the day.......I actually lay on my belly resting on a little hillock in front of these two, hence the POV. Ive added a couple more in extras too.

The one way around system worked well, no problems encountered in the gardens either.
We clocked up 10k steps, just a bit of pain in the rear today, hubs knee held up almost until we were ready to leave too.....so all in all not too bad!

The rain started again just as we pulled up on our our driveway........made a cuppa and we took it into the summerhouse, downloaded my photos whilst I was sat.

We had an early & easy tea tonight as my team were on tv at 6...... the less said about that the better, an utter disgrace in my book, they drew, but barely deserved it! All to play for in their last game now, pressures' on!!!

Well tomorrows forecast looks like a washout, so maybe it will turn out ok, fingers crossed!

Stay safe one and all

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