Rats With Wings

There was a period, April, May and earlyJune, where we hardly saw seagulls. As the high street closed down and less people were about so there was less pickings for the gulls, no black rubbish bags ripped apart and the contents strewn around, no burglar type attempts by gulls to get into rubbish bins and less chance of losing your half eaten sandwich.

Now as lockdown lifts they are back in force, aided and abetted by holidaymakers chucking their chips on the floor for them Emboldened they hardly bother to take off as you walk close to them on footpaths and we already have traffic accidents reported where cars emergency brake because the gull is walking on the road.

This period of lockdown easing where we have mainly takeaway food is going to prove a boon for the ‘Rats With Wings’.

Saturday is now rugby club day, a 1:00pm meeting held on the pitch proved useful but I fear it’s the ‘same old faces’ putting themselves forward.

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