CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Templeton Woods

Mixed day of sunshine and light showers

A quiet morning of reading and catching up with emails.

After lunch, we went for a 2.5 mile walk in Clatto Park and Templeton Wood. I love walking through the woodlands, so quiet and peaceful.

After Dinner we had the Church Zoom Prayer Meeting. We discussed the possibility of getting together as a church on a Sunday in a couple of weeks time. There will be restrictions but we feel that we will get used to them and be able to worship freely. We shall continue to pray and consult with the church over the next week or so.

It feels like the UK is on a knife as far as the Pandemic is concerned- mostly it feels as if things are getting better but outbreaks keep occurring which could tip areas back into Lockdown. Time will tell.

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