Hot and sunny , me and Hubs sat out and enjoyed it . Had my first proper hair cut since Feb, Hubs says I look like a Lego person !! It was outdoors on Majella’s porch, all very sociable with social distancing and masks. Nothing else had changed, it ran really late - too much talking as we all had loads to catch up with ! A dry cut with no blow dry 15 Euros , 30 secs cycle home to do own blow dry - what a bargain!
Afternoon ride in Cangort with a back pack and gardening loppers to try and clear some of the over hanging trees - it worked fairly well once Daisy got the hang of stopping so much , she got to eat a far old amount of greenage during the process ! Molly was being very stroppy and Susan had to do some schooling to get her to listen , which is not easy in single file woodland paths - but she did really well .

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