"I was thinking more a wildlife garden."

But Mrs FP wasn't having it. She is desirous for a return to a pristine south lawn. The composting containers need to be moved. Work in progress. The upside is we have more lovely loamy compost than we know what to do with.

The garden is fit to burst, third wave of peas swelling nicely. Potatoes all in flower. Second batch of rhubarb looking quite robust. Strawberries are being enjoyed by the birds. The greenhouse is a tomato basil coriander cucumber jungle. Another batch of salad leaves sown. Surprisingly our aged plum tree looks like furnishing another bumper crop. 

The dog, bored watching Mrs FP toil. ate an apple off one of our trees. I hope it will not be detrimental in the poo department, I don't want another 5:30am wake up bark.

Any other business? No? Then move swiftly along, the exit is just beyond the gift shop that is the extra.

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