An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Fort Worth Stock Show Ride

Today was a pretty good cycling day. Rode to work in a drizzle. Loved to get a little wet. Sun broke out about noon so was able to ride home in the sunshine.

Went to dinner at church tonight. I enjoy hanging with a wide variety of folks. Ages from teens to 70's.

On my way home, I rode past the Will Rogers Convention Center and grounds. The city of Fort Worth is having their annual Stock Show. This is several weeks of displaying farm animals of all varieties. Also barkers selling every item one has ever seen for sale on TV and more. They also have a midway with all kinds of rides. I had hoped there would be more people riding rides, but the attendance today was small so many of the rides sat idle. I liked two shots and could not decide which was better. I chose the lights on because it may be more eye catching. The other has a couple spinning around while the lights have dimmed.

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