The corn is as high .......

My love affair with the sweet corn continues.

All the seed sticks with their tassels have come out the top now - I’ve been shoogling them so that the seeds fall into the little corn pockets.  It’s an amazing sight - all the little sparkles in the air disappearing into the stalks... making their magic!

They all look male this year - last year some of the corn tips took a little flakey to themselves and turned female; so instead of seed heads kernels formed on them.

I remember telling my neighbour that the sweet corn was changing from male to  Female on top and he was most insistent that he did not have gay corn.  :) 

It’s quite amazing isn’t it?  The tassle shakes; the dust falls off and lands on the silk in the pocket; a tube forms and the tassle dusk travels down and fertilises the ovum and a corn kernel forms and then multiplies.

We picked another 800g of peas tonight and I’ve sat outside and podded them.

Last night. I sat outside again until 1230am waiting for that flipping comet.... nothing again. Lovely star photos but no comet!  Tonight maybe!

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