Bearded Lady
A good walk into town to pay in a cheque (yes I know, so 20th Century) and then heading back via another route. I was walking through a small green area between houses and alongside on old railway line when I came across this mare, pegged out on the land. I must admit to a smile at the hair across her upper lip, which seems quite characteristic of this breed. We saw another horse on Saturday that had similar hair but the owner in that case had used scissors/clippers to shorten it. She had a young foal with her that was particularly keen to see if I had any treats.
What surprised me even more was to come across a group of five red deer in the same area, two hinds, two fawns and a yearling male. This really is most unusual as the area is surrounded with houses with only a canal footpath and the old railway line as possible routes for them to have got there. I think they have separated from the another herd I keep an eye on to the north about 3 miles away. It worried me enough to report it to the local council, though I doubt they will do much. Hopefully they will head back to their regular grazing when they realise how busy and limited this area is to sustain them.
Day Miles: 10.7 miles. Total Miles: 912.9 miles
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