
By ayearinthelife

Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots of Money)

A few years ago Mrs C impulse bought a spotting scope at a car boot sale, to use when she went bird watching. Having only used it a handful of times, it was then confined to the loft, until it resurfaced in April during our lockdown clear out.
Decided it was no longer needed so time to move it on. The question was, how? No car boot sales at that time and it was a bit too much of a niche / expensive object to do well on the local “sell and seek” site. eBay would have been the obvious choice, but quite an expensive way of selling and not sure what the state of play was with parcel firms. So nothing done at the time but a recent email from eBay offering a no fee listing, prompted me to get it down from the loft and get it listed today. And judging by the amount of parcels our neighbours regularly receive, I’m guessing there will be no problem sending it out when it does sell!
Best news? It seems Mrs C got a real bargain back in the day, as this model of scope now seems to be selling for considerably more than she paid. Given there will be no fees to pay, and I’m asking almost twice what was paid for it, I could even afford to be generous and offer “free” postage, to tempt the buyers.
If all goes to plan, this is definitely an opportunity to make money!

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