A life on the ocean wave!

For today to have been successfull it depended on several things
A The part for my car arriving in garage last night
B Being at said garage at 8.30 am to have said part fitted
C Return to house & load car
D Depart for long drive through Skye to catch ferry!
Only one of the above happened...B! Yes I was at the garage at said time but the bloody mechanic/ owner didn't rock up until 9.30
Part A ( the part arrival) didn't happen either thereby cancelling C&D.
Still following?
I hate the way garages treat or rather mistreat their loyal customers by crapping on them from a great height.
Fortunately for said mechanic/ owner I did not have a meltdown as somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this was going to be the outcome.
I have re booked the ferry for Wednesday and via Mallaig which is a shorter drive. If he doesn't fix my car tomorrow however, there may be disturbing headlines in the local paper!

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